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An interactive tool helping you distribute teams and work spaces inside your building.

Simplified decision making

Realize interactive and efficient committees by changing your workplace settings real time.

Better collaboration

Organize brainstorm sessions with your team to find the perfect configuration.

Faster iteration

Modify desk sharing ratio, floor space and other settings with only a few clics.

Data export

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How to organize your workplace in 5 steps

1.Building information

Fill your building capacity and square footage information.

The goal is to identify usable area and the number of work stations that can be installed for each floor. It will take you less than a minute per floor to fill up those information.

2.Teams & Headcounts

List your teams and your headcount projection per team

We need you to include all employees that will be working in the building. For each team, indicate your headcount projection, the number of work station you will need and the wanted sq ft per work station.

3.Business requirements

List every specific work spaces you might need

Specific workspace needs depend on your business, it can be specific meeting rooms(auditorium, brainstorm room...), laboratories, showroom, data room. Do not forget to add service spaces, such as coffee space, printing center, archives, storage, relaxing room etc. That is where you will need to define what service level you want to provide for your employees.

4.Business synergies

Describe functional links you might have between your teams

This step is the most important, it allows you to positionne close together teams that work together. It also allows you to positionne specific spaces close to teams who need them the most.

5.Space organization

Choose your perfect space distribution

This last step is the heart of a project, it makes you decide where teams and spaces are going to be placed inside your building. The goal is to validate a final macrozoning to provide to your architect.